Major in East Asian Studies

东亚澳门威尼斯人网上赌场(EST)专业是一门跨学科的语言澳门威尼斯人网上赌场方法, deep history, and rich culture of this important part of the world.

学生们从三门入门课程开始他们对东亚的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, arranged historically, on the literature, history, religions, visual culture, and other foundational aspects of the region. For their advanced-level work, 学生可以从众多与中国有关的课程中选择四门课程, Japan, and Korea. These courses complement their understanding of East Asian history and culture through specialized material covering topics such as Chinese society after Mao; the two Koreas; the culture of Zen; anime; and women and religion in East Asia.

Study Abroad

我们强烈鼓励东亚澳门威尼斯人网上赌场专业的学生出国留学,最好这样做 prior to their senior year. 东亚澳门威尼斯人网上赌场指导老师将根据具体情况确定留学课程的主要要求.

学生可能需要与特定的部门就课程等效性进行合作, 特别是对于任何用来满足语言要求的课程. Please secure course approvals prior to departure.



在学生被免除语言要求的情况下(经EST指导老师批准),并用其他课程代替, 替代课程将遵循替代课程的上级部门的分区指定。. 替代课程可以包括在确定专业的划分领域.

不包括EST 391W及两门专业要求的中级及以上语言课程, 剩下的七门课程决定了专业的划分范围. 学生在一个特定的部门完成四门或更多的课程将满足该部门. 完成人文学科(H)至少四门课程(七门课程中的四门)的学生将满足人文学科的要求. 在社会科学(S)中完成至少四门课程的学生将满足社会科学部门的要求.

Courses will be assessed according to the parent department of the course. For example:

Humanities (H)

Social Sciences (S)

Modern Languages and Cultures

Anthropology (ANTH)

Religion (RELC)

History (HIST)


Students in this major study Chinese, Japanese, or Korean for at least two full years, 他们必须选修至少三个系的课程,以便对东亚有一个广泛而深入的了解.

Note中文、日文、韩文为本专业之课程 not count as separate departments. Cross-listed courses will be considered according to the parent department of the course.


Students must take one year of Chinese, Japanese, 选修东亚澳门威尼斯人网上赌场专业前,应先修韩国语课程. 传统上,学生采取以下顺序之一或同等:

  • CHIN 101: Elementary Chinese I and CHIN 102: Elementary Chinese II
  • JPNS 101: Elementary Japanese I and JPNS 102: Elementary Japanese II
  • KORE 101: Elementary Korean I and KORE 102: Elementary Korean II

Note: 只有两门语言课程可以计入该专业的必修课程. 完全放弃语言要求的学生仍然必须完成该专业的十门课程.

Foundational Survey Courses (Three Courses)


Group A: Pre-modern East Asia

  • CHIN 214: Dream of the Red Chamber
  • CHIN 216: Writing Discontentment
  • CHIN 219: Monsters, Ghosts, Fairies, and Gods
  • HIST 142: Traditional China
  • JPNS 210: Traditional Japanese Literature and Culture
  • JPNS 217: Traditional Japanese Literature
  • RELC 105: Asian Search for Self
  • RELC 106: From Confucius to Zen
  • RELC 174: Chinese Religions

Group B: Modern East Asia

  • 20世纪中国、香港和台湾文学
  • HIST 143: Modern China
  • HIST 145: Modern Japan
  • HIST 342W: Rich China, Poor China 
  • JPNS 211: Modern Japanese Literature in Translation
  • JPNS 214: Atomic Creatures: Godzilla [?]
  • JPNS 219/JPNS 219W: Tourist Japan
  • JPNS 254: The Rises and Falls of Modern Japanese Literature

Group C: Contemporary East Asia

  • ANTH 257: Chinese Society after Mao
  • 20世纪中国文学中的性别、性与欲望
  • CHIN 223: Memory, Meaning, and Forging New Futures in Post-Mao Literature
  • JPNS 293: Life and Anime
  • RELC 175: Religion and Chinese Society

Advanced Language (Two Courses)


  • CHIN 151: Intermediate Chinese I and CHIN 152: Intermediate Chinese II
  • JPNS 151: Intermediate Japanese I and JPNS 152: Intermediate Japanese II
  • KORE 151: Intermediate Korean I and KORE 152: Intermediate Korean II

Note: 只有两门语言课程可以计入该专业的必修课程. 完全放弃语言要求的学生仍然必须完成该专业的十门课程.

Capstone (One Course)

EST 391W: EST高级澳门威尼斯人网上赌场被设计为顶点体验. 学生应该联系他们的东亚澳门威尼斯人网上赌场指导老师,讨论一个合适的导师的顶点经验. 这门顶点课程将被视为东亚澳门威尼斯人网上赌场专业的中性课程,并且需要一个 independent study course form to register for the course.

Electives (Four Courses)


Sample list of available electives:

  • ANTH 257: Chinese Society after Mao*
  • CHIN 214: Dream of the Red Chamber*
  • CHIN 216: Writing Discontentment*
  • 20世纪中港台文学澳门威尼斯人网上赌场综述*
  • CHIN 219: Monsters, Ghosts, Fairies, and Gods*
  • 20世纪中国文学中的性别、性与欲望*
  • CHIN 223: Memory, Meaning, and Forging New Futures in Post-Mao Literature*
  • HIST 245: Tibet: History and Myth
  • HIST 247/247W: The Korean War
  • HIST 248/248W: The Samurai
  • HIST 340W: Modernity through East Asian Eyes
  • HIST 342W: Rich China, Poor China*
  • JPNS 210W: Traditional Japanese Literature and Culture*
  • JPNS 214: Atomic Creatures: Godzilla*
  • JPNS 219/219W: Tourist Japan
  • JPNS 274: Modern Japanese Women Writers
  • JPNS 285: Akira Kurosawa
  • JPNS 294: Hayao Miyazaki and Planet Ghibli


Upper-Level Writing Requirement

Students are required to take two upper-level writing courses. 东亚澳门威尼斯人网上赌场专业的学生将通过顶点课程完成其中一门课程,但还需要额外选修一门高级写作课程.  


高级写作课程的选择应与东亚澳门威尼斯人网上赌场指导老师协商. 应在学生的专业声明表上注明用于满足高级写作要求的第二门课程.