College Competencies

大学能力是一个框架,让学生讲述他们的故事,并在我们共同的未来中成为领导者. 它们的设立是为了解决雇主和社会在大学毕业生身上寻找的技能与学生熟练运用这些技能的能力之间日益脱节的问题. 罗彻斯特的学生通过他们的课程和课外经历来培养这些能力.

Adaptability and Resiliency

表现出灵活性和随时调整以应对变化和创新的能力建立了毅力, 它允许重新定义问题和利用社区资源来克服挑战. Through this process, students identify approaches, 可选择的路径或新的机会,以达到预期的结果.

Examples of competency development opportunities:

Key attitudes and behaviors:

  • Exhibits a growth mindset
  • Embraces and adapts to change
  • Takes risks and persists through failure
  • Seeks out resources
Career Design and Management

The ability to identify and understand interests, skills, strengths, knowledge, and experiences in order to tell one’s story. Through ongoing critical reflection, students explore career choices, build connections between competencies, and seek growth opportunities. 学生能够自我倡导和设计机会,同时认识到环境和文化背景.

Examples of competency development opportunities:

Key attitudes and behaviors:

  • Knows self and potential
  • Builds competencies
  • Creates a personal brand
  • Establishes a network
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

An iterative, 学生提出问题的动态过程, define problems, 意识到对自己和他人的偏见和假设, evaluate arguments from multiple, contradictory sources, and synthesize pertinent information. 通过这个过程,学生可以积极地影响决策,以解决现实世界中的需求.

Examples of competency development opportunities:

Key attitudes and behaviors:

  • 选择和使用信息来调查一个观点或结论
  • 在陈述立场时理解语境和假设
  • 理解全球系统、结论和相关结果
  • Uses methodic approach to problem solving (defines problems; identifies strategies; proposes, evaluates, and implements solutions; evaluates outcomes)
Intercultural and Global Fluency

Through the development of skills, knowledge, and understanding, students demonstrate cultural humility, 两者都重视和尊重多样化和交叉的经验, including variances in culture, race, gender, socioeconomic status, ability, religion, 民族起源和其他人类经验的标志. 意识到隐性偏见和特权可以培养在不同文化背景下参与和沟通的能力.

Examples of competency development opportunities:

Key attitudes and behaviors:

  • Exhibits global and cultural self-awareness
  • 展示文化世界观框架的知识
  • 用同理心、好奇心和开放性来诠释跨文化体验
  • 在应对挑战时承担个人和社会责任

通过正式和非正式的职位,每个人都可以成为领导者. 学生们利用社区的优势来实现共同的目标,并利用人际交往技巧来指导和发展. Through a process of learning and applying skills, 学生可以完成可衡量和有意义的改变.

Examples of competency development opportunities:

Key attitudes and behaviors:

  • Understands leadership capabilities
  • Exhibits effective leadership skills
  • Manages group conflicts
  • Creates and impacts positive social change
Oral and Written Communication

沟通是我们互动的基础,并将我们与他人联系起来. Writing, reading, speaking, and listening help us make sense of the knowledge, ideas, 和他人的价值,这样我们就能发现和表达新的观点. 有效的沟通引导学生发现、发展、测试和分享我们的想法.

Examples of competency development opportunities:

Key attitudes and behaviors:

  • 用清晰的组织、语言和表达方式进行沟通
  • 使用辅助材料来传达一个引人注目的中心信息
  • 在交流中考虑听众、目的和环境
  • Displays control of syntax and mechanics

互惠互利的关系是对个人工作的补充,也是稳健学习所必需的. 通过与他人交流,学生们可以检验想法,挑战假设,解决冲突. 学生们共同努力,解决问题,推动创新,改善社区.

Examples of competency development opportunities:

Key attitudes and behaviors:

  • Contributes to team meetings
  • Facilitates the contributions of team members
  • Makes individual contributions outside of team meetings
  • Fosters constructive team climate
  • Responds to conflict

Student Resources

  • Download a printable PDF version of the College Competencies
  • Work with the Greene Center for career advising around the College Competencies

Faculty and Staff Resources

  • Download a printable PDF version of the College Competencies
  • Schedule a meeting with John DiSarro (contact info below)讨论如何在你的办公室或部门突出和评估学生的能力发展

Assessment Rubrics with Key Performance Indicators


Follow the toolkit to adhere to appropriate graphic standards:

More Information

如有疑问或更多信息,请联系John DiSarro